Friday, 13 January 2012

And even more Miyuki seed beads

Yes, we're moving into 2012 and yes, we've got even more beads. These are increasing our Miyuki range of seed beads as replacements for Matsuno. Have you noticed something else increasing? We're getting that touch of extra daylight. It's inspiring Kathy to try new designs for spring and Easter!

So, back to the beads then... We've got sizes 6, 8 and 11 which are priced per pack of 25g and size 15 which are priced per pack of 15g.

Here are all the pictures.

Size 6:
6HM151FR Matte transparent cobalt AB £2.50

6HM9134FR Matte transparent dark topaz AB £2.50

Size 8:
8HM10 Flame red £2.50

8HM402F Matte white £2.25

8HM407FR Matte opaque vermillion red AB £2.75

Size 11:
11HM402F Matte opaque white £2.25

11HM1927 Semi-matte seafoam/lined aqua £2.50

11HM401 Black £2.00

11HM352 Purple lined aqua £2.50

Size 15:
15H9408 Opaque red £2.50

15H9484 Opaque royal blue £2.75

15H9402F Matte white £2.50